Fraksi Ujian Pertanyaan dan Jawaban untuk tingkat 1 dan 2 Monolith:
Pertanyaan 1 - Mana yang bukan faksi base?
Answer - Pixu Istana/Pixu Palace
Pertanyaan 2 - Yang tidak di dasar faksi?
Answer - Tembaga-burung gereja Platform/Copper-sparrow platform
Pertanyaan 3 - Apakah Tingkat maksimum untuk Base Fraksi?
Answer - 30
Pertanyaan 4 - Ada yang bisa memasuki pangkalan faksi di non-pertempuran waktu?
Answer - Tidak, saya hanya bisa memasuki pangkalan faksi sendiri
Pertanyaan 5 - Bagaimana Anda meng-upgrade sebuah Peringkat Fraksi itu?
Answer - Laba Kontribusi Fraksi cukup
6 - Setelah peringkat satu faksi telah ditingkatkan, mereka dapat
mengumpulkan jenis lain dari titik yang digunakan untuk meng-upgrade
peta konstelasi fraksi. Apa titik-titik yang disebut?
Answer - Constellation
7 - Sebuah faksi berdasarkan akan dibubarkan jika fraksi tidak mencapai
jumlah yang diperlukan yang mana dari berikut ini?
Answer - Kesehatan
Pertanyaan 8 - Bagaimana Anda meng-upgrade sebuah Peringkat Fraksi itu?
Answer - Poin Constellation
Pertanyaan 9 - Pemain dapat memperoleh kontribusi dengan melakukan pencarian yang?
Answer - Quest Fraksi
Pertanyaan 10 - Jika seorang pemain tingkat fraksi, apa yang terjadi pada kontribusi mereka?
Answer - Ini me-reset ke 0
Fraksi Ujian Pertanyaan dan Jawaban untuk tingkat 3 Monolith:
Pertanyaan 1 - Manakah dari berikut ini bukan suatu bentuk usaha faksi?
Answer - River Gate
Pertanyaan 2 - Manakah dari berikut ini bukan suatu bentuk usaha faksi?
Answer - Kota Acara
Pertanyaan 3 - Manakah dari berikut ini bukan suatu bentuk usaha faksi?
Answer - Pixu Istana
Pertanyaan 4 - Manakah dari berikut ini tidak dijual di Heavenly Vault?
Jawaban - Alat Pernikahan/Wedding Tool
Pertanyaan 5 - Manakah dari berikut ini tidak dijual di Heavenly Vault?
Answer - Fine Orb
Pertanyaan 6 - Yang item yang tidak diperoleh dari Labs Alkimia?
Answer - Bless Box
Pertanyaan 7 - Yang bangunan dapat meningkatkan base pertahanan?
Answer - Hall of Loyalty
Pertanyaan 8 - Untuk laboratorium Alchemy, apa yang dapat peringkat Anggota Fraksi memperoleh Vitalitas gulir +15 khusus?
Answer - 4 Stars
Pertanyaan 9 - Pada tingkat apa di Labs Alchemy dapat pemain membeli sebuah gulungan +30 Vit?
Answer - 8 Stars
Pertanyaan 10 - Barang Yang tidak didapat dari Labs Alchemy?
Answer - Limited Bag
Fraksi Ujian Pertanyaan dan Jawaban untuk Level 4 Monolith:
Pertanyaan 1 - Yang tidak diperoleh dari Armory?
Answer - Enhanced Buff
2 - Bangunan membutuhkan bahan arsitektur untuk dibuat. Manakah dari
berikut ini bukan merupakan bahan yang diperlukan?
Answer - Dream Seeking Orb
3 - Bangunan membutuhkan bahan arsitektur untuk dibuat. Manakah dari
berikut ini bukan merupakan bahan yang diperlukan?
Answer - Bone Burying Sand
Pertanyaan 4 - Dalam Perfect World, anggota Fraksi dapat memperoleh EXP Fraksi dengan menyerahkan bahan?
Answer - Ya
Pertanyaan 5 - bahan Arsitektur dapat diperoleh dengan berbagai cara. Manakah dari berikut ini tidak benar?
Answer - bahan Arsitektur tidak dapat diperoleh dengan pencarian Fraksi
(Architectural material cannot be obtained by Faction quest)
Pertanyaan 6-Apakah Kesehatan Fraksi datang dari Fraksi EXP?
Answer - Ya
Pertanyaan 7 - Base dapat dihancurkan di mana situasi tertentu? Manakah dari berikut ini tidak benar?
Answer - Basis Fraksi dapat dihancurkan oleh setiap anggota fraksi
(The Faction base can be destroyed by any faction member)
Pertanyaan 8 - Jika Gedung Fraksi dapat dimusnahkan dalam situasi tertentu, yang mana dari berikut ini adalah benar?
Answer - Building dapat dihancurkan dalam Pertempuran Fraksi
(The Building can be destroyed in a Faction Battle)
Pertanyaan 9 - Jika Kesehatan Fraksi dikurangi menjadi 0%, apa yang terjadi?
Answer - Base akan ditutup. Dana akan dikenakan biaya untuk membukanya lagi
( Base will be closed. Funds will be cost to open it again)
10 - Sebelum upgrade Base Tech, persyaratan tertentu harus dipenuhi.
Jika tidak, Base Tech tidak dapat ditingkatkan. Apakah ini benar?
Answer - Ya
Fraksi Ujian Pertanyaan dan Jawaban untuk Level 5 Monolith:
Pertanyaan 1 - Yang bukan tanggung jawab Pemimpin Fraksi itu?
Answer - Meningkatkan tingkat anggota Fraksi semua 'oleh 1
2 - Tingkat A Basis Fraksi dapat ditingkatkan menggunakan EXP. Manakah
dari berikut ini tidak memberikan kontribusi EXP?
Answer - Anggota Fraksi Upgrade
3 - Upgrade bangunan membutuhkan waktu dan bahan. Jika Anda menggunakan
bahan lebih, Anda akan menghemat lebih banyak waktu. Apakah ini benar?
Answer - Ya
4 - Setelah menyelesaikan quests, pemain dapat memperoleh berbagai
bahan yang sesuai dengan ras mereka. Apa jenis bahan dihargai ke
Answer - Ethersteel
Pertanyaan 5 - Sebuah bencana
mengerikan telah menyerang Perfect World. Sebuah ras meramalkan acara
ini dan memiliki kemampuan untuk memimpin orang-orang di Perfect World
menuju masa depan yang lebih cerah. Yang ras dapat ditakdirkan untuk
memimpin orang lain untuk membangun kembali tanah air baru mereka?
Answer - Earthguard
6 - Sekitar tahun 1000, sebuah peradaban manusia yang baru mulai
ekspansi di barat. Karena lokasinya, orang menyebutnya sebagai Negara
Matahari, atau Negara Senja karena telah datang untuk diketahui. Namun
pada tahun berapa bencana terjadi peradaban ini?
Answer - PW. 1044
7 - Hanya dalam 30 tahun, Negeri Senja berubah dari sebuah negara tidak
dikenal menjadi sebuah kerajaan yang kuat dengan sejumlah besar tanah.
Untuk mencapai ini, kaisar mereka memperoleh Relic misterius yang
membuat pasukannya hampir tak terkalahkan. Karena itu, mereka
memenangkan hampir setiap pertempuran.Tapi pada akhirnya, Relic itu
terkubur dengan kaisar saat kematiannya. Apa nama dari peninggalan ini?
Answer - Topeng Emas/Golden Mask
8 - Setelah menyelesaikan quests, pemain dapat memperoleh berbagai
bahan yang sesuai dengan ras mereka. Apa jenis bahan dihargai ke Mystic?
Answer - Tellus Kayu/Tellus Wood
Pertanyaan 9 - Belum diproses?
Answer - Kisah Manor Merah/The Tale of the Red Manor
10 - Upgrade Manor Kehakiman dapat memberikan beberapa manfaat pasif
untuk Anggota Fraksi. Apa itu salah satu manfaat tersebut?
Answer - Keuntungan EXP dengan hanya berdiri di sana
(Gain EXP by simply standing there)
Fraksi Ujian Pertanyaan dan Jawaban untuk Level 6 Monolith:
1. After finishing the quests, players can obtain various materials
corresponding to their race. What kind of material is rewarded to the
Raging Flask
2. In regards to the End of a Faction Battle, which of the following conditions is false?
The Faction Leader Surrenders.
3. Faction Contribution can be transferred into Faction EXP. How many times per day can you make this transfer?
Only once per day.
4. The Hexocelot is a powerful monster. Many have attempted to defeat it and many have failed. Where does the Hexocelot live?
Valley of Disaster
5. Originally, Warsong City connected our world to the realm of the
Genies. One day, a mysterious event occurred within it and the Watchers
of the Earth appeared all over the world. What happened?
Warsong City was conquered by Wraiths led by the Incacerate.
6. People believe that if you travel from Dreamweaver Port, past the
Dragon Palace, and travel thousands of miles to the southeast, you will
reach the Forbidden Sea. It is a mysterious body of water that spans a
wide area. Legend says that the Tideborn and the City of Raging Tides
sacrificed themselves by sinking into the bottom of sea to preserve
peace for the other races. Many years passed by, but nobody was able to
enter the Forbidden Sea to find the Tideborn. Who needs to appear in
order for the Tideborn to return to the world?
Soul Controller Saki
7. The Palace of Nirvana is an ancient Tideborn prison that once served
as the Tideborn's Royal Palace. To protect themselves during a war, they
activated a forbidden magical array called the Dimensional Cataclysm.
It allowed them to withstand the assault and even aided in the defeat of
the enemy's leader. Who was that leader?
Vanished Ancestor
8. The Endless Void is said to be a place where horrible monsters have
been sealed and even the gods dare not set foot. Despite this, many have
tried to enter it to pursue the power contained inside. What allows you
to travel through thousands of years and arrive at the Unicorn Forest
or Heaven's Tear?
Chrono Wheel
9. It is said that a group of thieves known as the Chrono Sneakers stole
the power of Heaven's Tear. This weakened the space and time continuum.
What race were the Chrono Sneakers?
Winged Elf
10. Although the Black and White Death Agents are not the most fiendish
of spirits, they are still easily a threat to most people. Do you know
where they reside?
Demon Netherworld
Fraksi Ujian Pertanyaan dan Jawaban untuk Level 7 Monolith:
1. When a Faction Battle starts, which of the following is false?
One Faction can join in several Faction Battles in one time.
2. You would meet General Shengjie Tyrant in which room of the Manor of Justice?
Dungeons of Blood
3. Members can enter the Faction Base using which NPC?
Faction Base Manager
4. After finishing the quests, players can obtain various materials
corresponding to their race. What kind of material is rewarded to the
Winged Elf's?
Plume Puff
5. The Treasure Cave of the Island was once one of the most wealthy and
luxurious caves around in the world. Each night, pirates would haul
their booty to this place. However, all of the pirates were killed in a
single battle and their bodies were never found. Many years have passed
since then, but there have been reports of pirates in the area. What
does this mean?
The pirates' corpses are wandering the land.
6. The Harpy Wraith is a powerful spirit that has been reported to appear where?
Valley of Reciprocity
7. Heaven's Tear is a sacred place that has been blessed by the gods. It
floats up high within the clouds. It symbolizes the sadness that
followed the destruction unleashed by the gods and also serves as a
reminder of their power. What's another name for Heaven's Tear?
Unsaken City
8. Located in the depths of the ancient Forest of Haze, a powerful god's
altar lies concealed since the birth of Perfect World. It's said that a
treasure was hidden within the altar and anyone who finds it will
become the ultimate warrior! Alas, where is this place?
Forest Ruins
9. As times passes by, spirits become increasingly powerful around the
Violet Corona, including evil ones. If this situation isn't rectified,
the entire world will be filled with evil spirits. The Violet Corona
used its last bit of energy to detonate its soul. The huge explosion
shook the entire world and caused massive irreversable damage to Perfect
World. Now that the Violet Corona is broken and the Dark Corona has
disappeared, the Mystics have emerged. What kind of magic do they
The Third Eye
10. The Corona polarized and divided himself into two separate parts,
allowing two spirits to reside within his body. One half became the
embodiment of Light and called itself the Violet Corona. What did the
evil counterpart call himself?
Dark Corona
Fraksi Ujian Pertanyaan dan Jawaban untuk Level 8 Monolith:
1. In times of war between Factions, where is the default portal to the enemy's Faction Base?
Training Hall
2. Which of the following is incorrect?
A faction can attack others without having a base.
3. If an attacker enters an enemy base, they'll need to talk to which NPC to start fighting?
Attack Commander
4. Which is not one of the ways to end a Faction War?
All members of the defenders retreated.
5. All players will gain corresponding materials based on their race
after completing the materials quest. The Untamed will gain which of the
following materials?
Lost Sand
6. You would meet the Hellbull Tyrant boss in which Manor of Justice?
Dungeons of Sins
7. There is a legend that the daughter of the Twilight Lich King, the
Princess of Moonlight, was so beautiful that men couldn't resist falling
in love with her. The Twilight Lich King betrothed his daughter to the
counsilor's son but after his death, and the death of the councilor's
son shortly after, there was a struggle for power over the Twilight Lich
King's throne. The infighting amongst the factions soon broke into an
all out war that ravaged the land until the party in support of Princess
Moonlight surrendered. Which of the following is a relic representing
the tragedy of Princess Moonlight?
8. According to ancient texts, the decendents of the gods are blessed
with immortality and have secluded themselves in four sacred places
throughout Perfect World. There, they work tirelessly for a way to help
their gods return. Which one of the following is one of the four sacred
The Lunar Glade
9. In the Early Days, the Human, Elves, and Untamed often fought amongst
one another. It took the threat of the Wraiths to unite the warring
races but it was immediately clear that the fight against the Wraiths
was one the Alliance was unable to win. Based on this history, which of
the following is true?
Due to the invasion, the future of Perfect World is unknown.
10. The Frost Ancient's wife gave birth to two sons, Holan and Holeen. The Frost Ancient abandoned which son?
Minggu, 01 September 2013
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